Page 24 - Okulum Diyarbakır Lise e-kitap
P. 24


        9. SINIF ⅼ İNGİLİZCE                                                                                         9. SINIF ⅼ İNGİLİZCE

          ÜNİTE            KAZANIM                        MEKAN                                                                 E9.3.S1. Students will
                                                                                          İLİŞKİSİ                              be able to express their      İç Kale Müzesi                Students will be able to talk

                   E9.1.L2. Students will be                                                                                    opinions about free time      Gençlik ve Spor İl Müdürlü-   about how to spend freetime
                   able to detect specific                                                                                 MOVIES  E9.3.S3. Students will be   ğü Tesisleri Devlet Tiyatrosu  and will be able to express their
                   information about jobs/                                                                                      able to talk about their      Dicle Üniversitesi Konser-    likes/dislikes , hobbies and pre-
                   countries/ nationalities.                                                                                    preferences of hobbies        vatuvar Merkezi               ferences.
              STUDYING ABROAD  ves and their family mem-  Dicle Üniversitesi   Students will be able to intodu-           HUMAN    IN NATURE  E9.4.S1. Students will be   Diyarbakır İç Kale Müzesi  Students will be able to express
                                                                                                                                and free time activities
                   E9.1.S1. Students will be
                   able to introduce themsel-
                                                                               ce oneself and their family to
                                                                               new people, will be able to talk
                   E9.1.S2. Students will be
                                                                               about possesssions and asking
                                                                                                                                                                                            their abilities and will be able to
                   able to ask and answer
                                                                                                                                able to talk about abilities.
                                                                               directions at Dicle University.
                   about their personal be-
                   E9.1.S3. Students will be                                                                                                                                                talk about animals abilities.
                   able to ask for and give                                                                                     E9.5.S1. Students will be
                   simple directions in simple                                                                                  able to compare charac-
                   phrases.                                                                                                     teristics of different well-
                                                                                                                                known people by expres-

                                                 Ahmet Arif Müzesi                                                              sing their opinions.                                        Students will be able to ask and
                                                                                                                                E9.5.S2. Students will
                                                 Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı Müzesi    E9.2.S1. Students will be able to                be able to describe cur-      Diyarbakır İç Kale Müzesi     express people's apperances
                                                 İç Kale Müzesi
                                                                                                                                                                                            and characters while watching
              MY ENVIRONMENT  1. Talking about locations   On Gözlü Köprü      ask about and describe their                INSPIRATIONAL PEOPLE  E9.5.W1. Students will   Dicle Üniversitesi Konser-  will be able to describe current
                                                                                                                                rent actions in pictures.
                                                                                                                                                                                            a theater or play on stage they
                                                                                                                                                              Devlet Tiyatrosu
                                                 Diyarbakır Surları
                                                                                                                                be able to write a text
                                                                                                                                                                                            events at the time of play . They
                                                 Zerzevan Kalesi
                   of things
                                                                                                                                comparing characteristics
                                                                                                                                                                                            will be able to write a text after
                                                                               E9.2.S3.Students will be able to
                                                 Malabadi Köprüsü
                   2. Asking about and
                                                                                                                                of people by giving their
                                                 Çay Önü Antik Kenti
                   describing neighborhood
                                                                                                                                                                                            visiting museum of poets.
                                                                               ask and answer questions about
                                                 Eğil Peygamber Kabirleri,
                                                 Kral ve Kaya Mezarları
                                                                                                                                able to write a text desc-
                                                 Dört Ayaklı Minare            location of things and places.                   E9.5.W2. Students will be
                                                                                                                                ribing their inspirational
                                                 Ulu Cami                                                                       character.
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